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Polk County Healthcare Workforce Collaborative Year 2: Quarter 3 Summary We have started the new year strong! While schools and students were getting acclimated with the new year and semester beginning, our group was planning for upcoming events and meeting… Read More »NEWSLETTER 4


Polk County Healthcare Workforce Collaborative Year 2, Quarter 2 During the summer months, our goal was to prepare ourselves so we can hit the ground running once school begins and we can confidently say we accomplished that! Now that we’re… Read More »NEWSLETTER 3


Polk County Healthcare Workforce Collaborative Year 2, Quarter 1 We have made it to a new school year! The past few summer months may have been “quiet” for some, but we have been busy preparing ourselves to hit the ground… Read More »NEWSLETTER 2


Polk County Healthcare Workforce Collaborative Year 1, Quarter 4 Welcome to the Polk County Healthcare Workforce Collaborative Quarterly Newsletter! For this inaugural issue we will be discussing the 4th quarter for the first year of the PCHWC. The first three… Read More »NEWSLETTER 1